Shinie Rookies Squad  BF3 CQ INF 5vs5  id:  6463834
Name Shinie Rookies Squad
Shorthandle SRS
Registered since 22/12/11
Headquarters  Greece
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Latest matches
  Battlefield 3 Super League Groupstage
wins   Hellenic Assault Forces  + 3 Sunday, 20/05/12 13:00 4
loss   Hellenic Elite Armed Team  0 Tuesday, 15/05/12 15:00 8
loss   Hellenic Sacred Company Team 1  0 Tuesday, 01/05/12 13:30 2
loss   Hellenic.Elite.Armed.Team  0 Sunday, 08/04/12 13:30 7
  Battlefield 3 Super League Groupstage
loss   Great NooBs  0 Sunday, 12/02/12 14:00 4
loss   Force Elite Army Rebels  0 Sunday, 05/02/12 13:00 9
loss   TITANS  0 Sunday, 29/01/12 14:00 8
loss   Hellenic Elite Armed Team  0 Sunday, 22/01/12 13:00 8
Shinie Rookies Squad:

Shinie or shiny was a derogatory term used by experienced troopers, when referring to new warrior privates, whose armor was still pristine. Warrior cadets were also referred to by this name. Their only target is to gather experience through wars and training. They give pain to their opponents and fights to the end. And through their difficult journey when they finally earn their stripes the recognition will come.

"Congratulations. You 're not shinies anymore."