RFL Unskilled Section   id:  648413
Name RFL Unskilled Section
Shorthandle *RFL-us*
Registered since 04/12/03
Homepage http://RFLus.roxorgamers.com
IRC #rfl.us  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of Resistance Francaise de Liberation
Headquarters  France
IRC #rfl.us  (QuakeNet)
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La section 2on2 de la *RFL* / *RFL*'s 2on2 squad

Merci a Shalafi pour le logo ^^ / Thx to Shalafi for the picture ^^

Nous jouons habituellement a 18h-18h30 / We usually play at 18:00 or 18:30.

Server by #scf2 | http://www.zonescf2.com