b00bs.mw3  "MW3 Squad"  id:  6518051
Name b00bs.mw3
Shorthandle [b00bs]
Registered since 11/01/12
Homepage http://www.b00bs-clan.com
IRC #b00bs  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of b00bs - noobs who like boobs
Headquarters  North Macedonia
[b00bs] is international multi gaming clan with members from all over the world.

We play Urban Terror, Quake 3, Left 4 Dead, Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Team Fortress, Red Eclipse (Blood Frontier) and other FPS games.

[b00bs] public servers list grew to more than 20 Urban Terror public servers and few for other games. Record so far is about 250 players online (at same time).
IRC #b00bs  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 5on5 Winter League 2011
draws   ProeliuM old school  + 1 Sunday, 26/02/12 14:00 0
wins   SOE - MW3 Lega Pro  + 3 Sunday, 19/02/12 14:00 0
wins   TEAM-ECTRX  + 3 Sunday, 12/02/12 14:00 0
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 05/02/12 14:00 0
loss   in Memory of eXosted MW3  0 Sunday, 29/01/12 14:00 43
wins   Curse Gam!ng  + 3 Sunday, 22/01/12 14:00 0
loss   Remake bo.2  0 Sunday, 15/01/12 14:00 0