Team Divi5ion Multigaming MW3   id:  6540673
Name Team Divi5ion Multigaming MW3
Shorthandle [div'5]
Registered since 19/01/12
Headquarters  United Kingdom
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
loss   In Memory Of CKS  -22 Friday, 03/02/12 15:00 11
loss   Teamplay Fighters  -26 Sunday, 22/01/12 14:00 8
Team Divi5ion is a Multi-Gaming Organisation and are a group of friends playing online games for serious gamers as well as community gamers.
Established January "2009" by(Jason) Killerbadboy from Yorkshire UK, welcoming any member from Europe to play ladder's ect and above all have fun.
Killerbadboy AKA Jason joined forces with Gary AKA UniQue (Joint Founders) who took half of the responsibility of running Divi5ion now along with all its members we all intend to give long standing commitment to all who register with Divi5ion to build up a stable solid community how ever long it takes.

We provide game servers ,Team Speak 3 to all our members, Team Divi5ion attend LAN events around the united kingdom competing in Call of Duty 4, Counter Strike Source, Starcraft 2 and more.
If we have the members to play it then we will support them, we are pretty strict on who comes into our organisation as we are sponsored and we hold high values of the way our members conduct themselves each member represents the organisation and we want to keep our clean cut professional attitude through out the whole organisation as we do not want to let our sponsors down.
We will always promote our sponsors in the best way possible.
Without the loyal members of Divi5ion the organisation would just be a shell every member who joins the organisation is valued as an individual and appreciated usually staying with us so we have a good retention level, more reason for the organisation to go from strength to strength.
The organisation is looking to build a massive community to accommodate all the gamers including hosting our own cups and tournaments
to help promote the organisation and the sponsors.