cuturtle  cuturtle  id:  6567628
Name cuturtle
Shorthandle cuturtle
Registered since 28/01/12
Headquarters  United Kingdom
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
loss   gingersnotwelcome  -23 Monday, 05/03/12 15:00 0
draws   Perilous Gaming Rise  -2 Monday, 20/02/12 15:00 0
wins   Rasta. dances with  + 25 Monday, 06/02/12 15:00 7
Ed "a1any" Kingham

This bowler boy, brings big biceps to the scene. Not only does this kid smash pins, he's also slightly good at smashing heads too!

Sully "SULLY" Hussain

Give this guy the bomb and you will win everytime ;) One of the most chilled guys you will ever meet, but really.. (terrorist)

Mike "Wiggy" Tomouzi

This foreign Mario lookalike has a short temper but when he's had a couple of mushrooms and he's on his game, you better not hide behind any boxes!

Tom "RAGNA" Lee

If you think you've tasted noodles? THINK AGAIN, nah RAGNA is a genuine babe, this guy is one pure sick-head clutchmeister!

Mike "blakeway" Blakeway

Also a hot tempered little bugger, this jolly fellow is too northern to function! But just like the rest! He can hold his own and make you shout "BULLSHIT!"