Venom   id:  6600827
Name Venom
Shorthandle v3n
Registered since 07/02/12
IRC #hu.jkja  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Vietnam
Area/Region Fantasy
When I become a jedi knight , I will use the force to fight. Obi wan is the best , he can always beat the rest. Queen Amadala lives in a parlour, with a Banana. I have a friend called Master Yoda , and he’s always drinking yummy soda. Now I’ve become a jedi knight ,I will jump off loads off heights.

xoxo, navi. <3
IRC #hu.jkja  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe
loss   inVision.  -19 Thursday, 23/02/12 14:00 3
loss   neTwork is bAck  -7 Wednesday, 22/02/12 13:20 5