Wat   id:  6619953
Name Wat
Shorthandle ... wat
Registered since 12/02/12
Headquarters  United States
1 round yours
1 round ours

I know its sad I actually have to say this, but PLEASE don't be retarded enough to challenge us without setting up a time on XFire/ICQ with me first. We are open to all challengers, but because of different timezones you should already know to contact before challenging.

XFire = archangel629

Thanks for looking! :)
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  JK:JA Open Ladder 2on2 Saber Europe
loss   Katarn Hospital Medical Staff  -24 Tuesday, 28/02/12 22:00 3
loss   satans jävla fitta  -19 Tuesday, 21/02/12 19:00 3