Umbra ex Morte  LoL Ranked Team  id:  6634311
Name Umbra ex Morte
Shorthandle mc jrs
Registered since 17/02/12
Headquarters  Germany
We're a german LoL-Team created in regards to the Go4LoL Tournament and we're excited to join it as well.
It's going to be a great experience for all!
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Latest matches
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #78 (Sun 26.02.12)
loss   MyBrowniesLoL  0 Sunday, 26/02/12 08:00 1
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #77 (Sun 19.02.12)
loss   I bet u lose.LOL  0 Sunday, 19/02/12 08:00 2