Redeye Esports – Multigaming since 2007
Redeye Esports - Everything You Can't See
The Redeye Esports appears as a result of an idea between a group of friends that joined up with the meaning of creating one of the most prevailing organizations of Electronic Sports in Portugal, managing teams in the platforms PC. The Redeye Esports presents itself with a promising and versatile organization, counting us with 3 teams and within the present future with a league and cup system that can welcome competitions of any other game.
While organization of Electronic games, the Redeye Esports manages 3 teams that play Call Of Duty MW3 ,League Of Legends, World of Warcraft in PC platform. All of our teams are equally talented and dedicated, and can once more show their entire merit in the live and online events that they will participate over the years.
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Fox - Steam: pErfecTakaFox
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