United Forces Clan   id:  6786044
Name United Forces Clan
Shorthandle UFC
Registered since 07/04/12
Headquarters  Israel
Join team
Latest matches
  Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
loss   DD Alpha  -7 Tuesday, 15/05/12 14:30 4
loss   GiBoR  -24 Sunday, 13/05/12 11:00 4
loss   siX-Finns  -9 Saturday, 12/05/12 10:30 3
wins   1st Line Assault  + 12 Saturday, 05/05/12 13:00 0
loss   In memory of Experiment  -16 Friday, 04/05/12 10:00 3
wins   Fried Hamster  + 25 Thursday, 03/05/12 15:00 0
-||-UFC-|| United Force Clan

Do you want to join ? Talk With The Clan Recruiter .

Rule # 1: Respect the clan leaders members

Rule # 2: Pay attention to the instructions of Directors

Rule # 3: respect other clans, and DONT curse

ENJOY -||-UFC-||- Association

Moshe_Ace - Clan founder

