Cerberus Netzwerk TWO   id:  6811198
Name Cerberus Netzwerk TWO
Shorthandle CNT Clan
Registered since 17/04/12
Homepage http://cnt-clan.de
Headquarters  Germany
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Latest matches
  BF Hardline (One) Open Ladder 5on5 Rescue Europe
loss   PANDA Gaming Team Hardline  -27 Thursday, 16/07/15 14:00
wins   ENJOY Gaming - Battlefield  + 25 Thursday, 09/07/15 14:00
loss   PANDA Gaming Team Hardline  -27 Thursday, 02/07/15 14:45
  BF Hardline (One) 5on5 Rescue Scuf Gaming Finals Europe
loss   Supremacy  0 Sunday, 12/07/15 11:00 1
  BF Hardline (One) 5on5 Rescue Scuf Gaming Qualifier Cup #4 Europe
loss   Lacrosste e-Gaming  0 Sunday, 05/07/15 11:00
  BF Hardline (One) 5on5 Rescue Scuf Gaming Qualifier Cup #3 Europe
loss   ENJOY Gaming - Battlefield  0 Sunday, 28/06/15 13:00
wins   TNT - ProjectX  + 2 Sunday, 28/06/15 12:00
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 28/06/15 11:00
  BF Hardline (One) 5on5 Rescue Scuf Gaming Qualifier Cup #2 Europe
loss   WeAreKing  0 Sunday, 21/06/15 12:00
wins   p A i N.eSport  + 2 Sunday, 21/06/15 11:00 1
Hello everyone we are Cerberus Network Two.
We are a german speaking platoon, playing Battlefield as a team since Bad Company.

We keep fighting in BF 4 and are active in BF Hardline.
If you are interested in a scrim we play:

BF4 12v12 CON
BF4 5v5 DOM
BF Hardline 5v5

Usually we play our scrims on saturday or sunday. Please keep this in mind if you want to challange us.

Platoon Leader: CNT CrazyLoveX
Co-Leader: CNT Yang and CNT GSUS

If you guys have any questions send a message to

We are currently recruiting.
If you think you have the potential to be a CNT member message the CoLeaders

Requirements are:

- you must be skilled
- a good teamplayer
- communicative
- german speaking is recommended

Good stats alone are not enough to become a member.
If you suck as a person, you will not be accepted.

Of course you can visite us on our Server and have a few pub games with us.

See you on the Battlefield. Hoah!