R A P 7 U R E  by Aquila Gaming  id:  6843227
Name R A P 7 U R E
Shorthandle 7.
Registered since 01/05/12
Homepage http://www.rapture.clan.to
Headquarters  Israel
Area/Region Legenden City

R A P 7 U R E
# eSports
Since '07

# We are stars, like stars in the sky!

# SWBF2 Legenden Status

# Remember SWBF2's Best Team on 1.0

Honorary member
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Latest matches
  Star Wars: Battlefront II Mixed 3on3 Plus Ladder
wins   WoLP 3on3  + 5 Sunday, 26/08/12 17:00 6
  Star Wars: Battlefront II Mixed 3on3 Plus Ladder Old
wins   DeFuSiON-Gaming  + 18 Saturday, 19/05/12 13:00 4
wins   Unleashed Elemental Forces  + 18 Friday, 18/05/12 07:00 8
  Star Wars: Battlefront II Capture The Flag 2on2 Ladder
wins   Proofyys  + 25 Friday, 04/05/12 10:00 4
wins   Holy Shit 2 on 2  + 23 Thursday, 03/05/12 14:00 4