Bl4ckSheep  BS  id:  6897829
Name Bl4ckSheep
Shorthandle BS
Registered since 24/05/12
Homepage http://battlelog.battlefield.c..
Headquarters  Germany
Beim Spiel kann man einen Menschen in einer Stunde besser kennenlernen als im Gespräch in einem Jahr. (Plato, 427-348 od. 347 v.Chr., griechischer Philosoph)
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Latest matches
  Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Squad Rush Ladder
loss   Task Force Spartan  -29 Friday, 14/06/13 11:30
loss   eNeRgie eSports RL  -28 Sunday, 09/06/13 12:00
wins   Genesis  + 17 Sunday, 10/03/13 11:00
loss   ROAR  -19 Thursday, 21/02/13 12:00 5
wins   eXploit eSports  + 9 Saturday, 09/02/13 10:00 4
wins   Vitality.Brothers to the Death  + 11 Saturday, 09/02/13 09:00
loss   ROAR  -20 Friday, 08/02/13 14:30 4
  Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Championship
wins   Austrian Underdogs SR  + 3 Sunday, 03/03/13 14:00 4
wins   eNeRgie eSports Destiny  + 3 Sunday, 17/02/13 14:00 4
draws   styX eSport Clan  + 1 Sunday, 10/02/13 14:00 4