A4TH SquadHush 2on2 SPECIAL   id:  6940616
Name A4TH SquadHush 2on2 SPECIAL
Shorthandle A4TH SQ
Registered since 11/06/12
Subteam of A4TH SquadHush
Headquarters  Germany
Area/Region NRW
Wir spielen:
Montags und Mittwochs von
21:00 - ca. 23:00 Uhr

und Sonntags von
18:00 - ca. 22:00 Uhr

Fordert uns!!!

[A]im [4] [T]he [H]ead
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Latest matches
  Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 2on2 Special Summercup 2012
loss   SoH Siegfried & Roy  0 Wednesday, 04/07/12 13:00 0
loss   Faith eSports  0 Friday, 29/06/12 13:00 0
wins   A4TH One and Only  + 2 Sunday, 24/06/12 13:00 0