Liberia et impera   id:  6963122
Name Liberia et impera
Shorthandle Liee
Registered since 20/06/12
Headquarters  Sweden
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Latest matches
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #98 (Sun 15.07.12)
loss   UnReal Crew  0 Sunday, 15/07/12 08:00 1
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #97 (Sun 08.07.12)
loss   Team Master Baits  0 Sunday, 08/07/12 08:00 1
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #96 (Sun 01.07.12)
loss   Team Incognito  0 Sunday, 01/07/12 08:00 1
FearNoN Started 2012 april the 16.

The team started with Leviathar who wanted to be more seurius about gameing. He went to school and told his friends that they were going to make a team. The clan carrier didnt start so well so Leviathar hired his brother RaazorTazor as manger, team leader and player.

RaazorTazer: Ad-carry
Leviathar: Jungle Tank/off tank
DennisBirath: Mage
NattSvartHatt: Tank/off tank