Eu Sou Lindo e da Amadora  League of Legends  id:  6997923
Name Eu Sou Lindo e da Amadora
Shorthandle NINJA
Registered since 04/07/12
Headquarters  Portugal
Area/Region Lisboa/Beja
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Latest matches
  League of Legends GoPT4LoL #36
loss   SteelShock.LoL  0 Saturday, 29/09/12 11:03 1
wins   FEEDERS  + 2 Saturday, 29/09/12 09:47 2
  League of Legends 5on5 Nightcup #47
loss   Excentric Synergy  0 Thursday, 05/07/12 16:30 1
wins   GameHard wele  + 2 Thursday, 05/07/12 15:30 1