Ascension eSports  CS:GO  id:  7222994
Name Ascension eSports
Shorthandle asc
Registered since 10/10/12
Homepage http://ascensionesports.enjin...
IRC #asc-esports  (GameSurge)
Headquarters  Australia
Our team is comprised of both New Zealand and Australian Counter-Strike: Source players, whom have now made the jump into CS:GO.

We have recently joined the organisation 'Ascension eSports', and we are looking forward to a great future with them.

We are currently competing in ESL A-Series Premier division and Cyber Gamer Profesional league.
IRC #asc-esports  (GameSurge)
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Latest matches
  Australia Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 A-Series
loss  -20 Thursday, 22/11/12 04:00 4
wins   Orphanbeats  + 25 Sunday, 18/11/12 04:00 4
loss  -20 Thursday, 15/11/12 05:00
wins   .rL  + 23 Thursday, 15/11/12 04:00 2
wins   Orphanbeats  + 23 Thursday, 15/11/12 03:00 2
wins   dinQ  + 30 Wednesday, 07/11/12 05:00 3
loss   1242425  -20 Wednesday, 07/11/12 03:00 2
wins   GUTS!  + 24 Tuesday, 06/11/12 04:00 1
loss  -20 Monday, 05/11/12 05:00 5
wins   TRIDENT.mvp  + 28 Monday, 05/11/12 04:00 2