Verein zur Nutzung tabuisierter Ressourcen   id:  733041
Name Verein zur Nutzung tabuisierter Ressourcen
Shorthandle V.z.N.t.R.
Registered since 08/03/04
IRC #VereinzurNutzungtabuisierterRessourcen  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
Babylon know the wisdom you get from smoking ganja and they need to keep you down from your meditation. They keep fighting against I herb you overs? Because it's I herb, it's one special herb to segregate and is herb, no man can make it, it comes from earth, it's a herb of truth and wisdom. I think if ganja was legalized there would let be positivly less problem with cocaine and crack. When people would you smoke herb, it would be a meditation, humbleness put them to i-tate, you overs? But when you drink rum, it's a different scene and you look over, you going to see who is causing the problem. It's the crack, the heroin, cocaine, morphine, alcohol and cigarettes. Herb put you upon humbleness, cause it's a healing herb. In Guayana you can go to jail for three years just for one spliff. Lots of Rastas are prosecuted for herb. Not for killing or thieving from no one, just for smoking the herb. But man need to be free from mental slavery. They kill brother Marley, Peter Tosh, Marcus Garvey for speaking the truth, cause word Bob Marley was putting out fire upon Babylon. If Bob Marley was on the face of the earth in this time, everyone would be Rasta, because he speak the truth and he sign it in his music and truth stands forever. But they can never stop I because if they put I in jail for three years, I when I come out I still have to smoke I herb, because I herb is I divine meditation, I free to do what I need to do. Jah Rastafari, Selassie I be praised."

wenn ihr lust habt auf ne menge n1 verplanung ,superluckreflexaugenkrebsschüsse und gelegentliche messeraction dann sind wir DER 2on2 gegner für euch! wundert euch nicht ,wenn wir derbe pr0 taktiken mit 5x faken (inklusive waffe ins wasser werfen auf azze) + 2 smoke + 4 flashs + 2.20 min warten auspacken!

des weiteren möchte ich noch hinzufügen dass wir absolut geil darauf sind uns sterben zu sehen, am besten aus EURER perspektive ! darum schmeissst am besten gleich winzip schonmal an, denn 2 nichtsnutzige studenten haben aufgrund notorischen zeitüberschusses nichts besseres zu tun als alle 8 demos von euch 1337 h$ pG gegner einzusehen. somit werdet ihr auch noch bis zu stunden später freude am vorhergehenden cw und uns haben .

mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ihr Verein zur Nutzung tabuisierter Ressourcen