iPLAY.eSport 2on2 FIFA   id:  7356777
Name iPLAY.eSport 2on2 FIFA
Shorthandle iPLAY
Registered since 06/12/12
Homepage http://www.team-iplay.de
Subteam of id_7137328
Headquarters  Germany
iPLAY eSports e.V. - "Success is the result of performance and persistence."

Gameserver: FS.Host
Gameserver: MR.Zap
Trikots: Gamerdress

Lan Support:: OKW
Bootcamp: Heiper Lan House

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Amtsgericht Aalen (Baden-Württemberg) - Registernummer VR 866
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Latest matches
  FIFA 13 2on2 Ladder
wins   Les Nimois  + 8 Thursday, 30/05/13 16:33 1
loss   JigSAW - Make Your Choice  -14 Thursday, 30/05/13 16:09
draws   Funkiller FC  -4 Monday, 20/05/13 17:00 1
wins   Bikini-Bottom-Mafia  + 27 Sunday, 21/04/13 13:42 1
loss   OinS  -33 Sunday, 21/04/13 13:17 2
loss   In Memory be.inSide e.V.  -19 Sunday, 14/04/13 13:40 1
loss   Die Holzhackerbuam  -26 Sunday, 14/04/13 13:18
wins   Kategorie.C  + 15 Sunday, 14/04/13 12:55 1
draws   Polaki Biedaki Cebulaki  -5 Sunday, 07/04/13 13:08 1
wins   CzechMasters  + 10 Sunday, 07/04/13 12:38 1