Underfed WarDogs  Team A  id:  7498707
Name Underfed WarDogs
Shorthandle UwD
Registered since 03/02/13
Homepage http://www.youtube.com/beslaye..
Headquarters  Netherlands
Area/Region Den Bosch
Underfed WarDogs started to become a team on Black Ops 1, and with Modern Warfare 3 we started to do some Competitive games on Gamebattles, at this time we want to become a real competitive team.
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Latest matches
  Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) Go4BO2 #11 10/02 (EU Qualifier #2)
loss   Sensation  0 Sunday, 10/02/13 11:00
wins   Rapid.BreakYourLimits  + 2 Sunday, 10/02/13 10:00 1
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 10/02/13 09:00