SeeYahNerd  LoL - Ranked Team  id:  7505946
Name SeeYahNerd
Shorthandle SeeYaN
Registered since 06/02/13
Subteam of Hitokiris
Headquarters  Germany
-= TOP BladeNight
-= MID Erebus8
-= JUNG ICarryYou QQ
-= SUPP Gekke de War
-= ADC xXAkaXx

1. Warmogs first item
2. Kein Flame ( ausser wenn ere Orianna zockt )
3. #Yolo
4. Trolls always win....
5. SeeYahNerd
Join team
Latest matches
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #131 (Sun 03.03.13)
loss   Gentleman of Venom  0 Sunday, 03/03/13 09:15
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 03/03/13 08:00
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #129 (Sun 17.02.13)
loss   RESPONSE eSports  0 Sunday, 17/02/13 10:30
wins   Divinius Gaming  + 2 Sunday, 17/02/13 09:15
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 17/02/13 08:00
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #128 (Sun 10.02.13)
loss   Get The Teeto  0 Sunday, 10/02/13 08:00