BoLS Op3Rati0N BriGad3   id:  750810
Name BoLS Op3Rati0N BriGad3
Shorthandle TeAm:BoLS^
Registered since 26/03/04
IRC  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Poland
IRC  (QuakeNet)
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INAKTIVE players:
»» Yoy3k «« --"

Brotherhood of LightSabers:

We are the ::[BoLS]::!

Plz send us a message by ICQ before challenge.
You could also find us on at QNet.

-> FoR Polish n00bz :] <-
Przed wyzwaniem zgłoscie się do kogoś na GG:
H4lf 3lf: 6121083 >=D
albo do YoY'a : 5243248
Prosimy o wyzywania najpóźniej dzień przed meczem.

We are playing only with esl rules, no force, no weapons (even mielee)

Gretz and 6ooD LuCk, H4vE FuN
MaY ThE FoRcE bE w1th All of YoU