InF*amous Gaming  SF2  id:  7626537
Name InF*amous Gaming
Shorthandle InF*
Registered since 28/03/13
Headquarters  European Union
Main Lineup:
╔ paLa
╠ ProSnipe
╠ AcyonZ
╠ PortzeRkkk
╚ King

♥♥♥ We are totaly new srerious team, our TS3 server is: ♥♥♥

♦♦♦Only serious players are allowed ( no team jumpers )♦♦♦
♣♣♣We are loyal to our team and team-friends ♣♣♣
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Latest matches
  S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Blasting 5on5 Ladder
wins   syKotic Gaming NLD  + 25 Sunday, 17/08/14 15:00 10
  S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Go4S.K.I.L.L. Cup #29 - 17/08/14
loss   inactive digital eXistence  0 Sunday, 17/08/14 10:00 10
wins   Team Nokta  + 2 Sunday, 17/08/14 09:00 11