1o1.st Surfing Brigade  (powered by Disaster)  id:  766408
Name 1o1.st Surfing Brigade
Shorthandle 1o1.st
Registered since 10/04/04
Homepage http://www.disaster-clan.de
IRC #disaster-clan  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of dIsAsTeR cLaN
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #disaster-clan  (QuakeNet)
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Attention soldier!!!

We`re travelling the Ho Chi Minh trail just for fun :)
If you want to fight us, please visit our forum.

Did you see those huge waves outside there ?

Yeah, now let`s start surfin soldier... gl & hf !!!

Contact forum



As we received the call of duty, we decide too re-activate
your old "Battlefield Vietnam" platoon for CoD4 immediately.

So here we are - back in action for fun and honor!!!

Wardays: None - only challenger!