eXplicit eSports   id:  7850034
Name eXplicit eSports
Shorthandle Explicit
Registered since 21/07/13
Homepage http://www.explicitesports.co...
Headquarters  European Union
Area/Region world wide
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Latest matches
  BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Squad Obliteration Europe
loss   AVFTW  -20 Sunday, 23/03/14 15:00 2
loss   Iconic eSport DK  -20 Sunday, 16/02/14 15:30 2
loss   Azimut.BF4  -20 Sunday, 26/01/14 15:30 3
wins   nB Team eXtra by Gaming Match  + 25 Sunday, 05/01/14 15:30 10
  Battlefield 4 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
loss   Hellenic Elite Armed Team  -27 Monday, 10/02/14 15:00 2
The eXplicit eSports Gaming was founded in July 2013 to help nurture and develop players into competitive gamers capable of competing in Tournaments, LAN Events, Clanbase and ESL. We are a collection of individuals who have played alongside each other throughout the past year and intend to take meaningful steps forward in the competitive gaming world. As we begin to take shape as a fully formed Battlefield Gaming Team we welcome all players who wish to be a part of our community and contribute positively to eXplicit eSports, be that competitive or otherwise.

Because at the end of the day, the people you play with make the game worthwhile.