◘ -#dgh Clan ◘ Die Gesichtstaetowierten Hafenarbeiter
◘ ¬ Game Server:
► -#dgh | www.clan-dgh.de | Warserver ¬ Connecten
► -#dgh | Public #1 ¬ Connecten
► -#dgh | proclimbing | www.kreedz.com ¬ Connecten
► -#dgh Battlefield 2 Public (32 Slot)
◘ ¬ Roster:
► -#dgh.cs | wurzel > 0:0:2100515
► -#dgh.cs | neo > 0:1:933675
► -#dgh.cs | Mr.Niceguy > 0:1:60791
► -#dgh.cs | ripper > 0:0:804310
► -#dgh.cs | s1mple > 0:1:49904
◘ ¬ Player characterisation:
► wurzel
An amazing way of beeing able to turn whole matches around. Good with almost every weapon along with an incredible timing, he's a valuable asset to any team.
► neo
A superb aimer with ability to take out whole bombsites alone. His flair for picking off opponents with his solo kind of play, is well integrated in the DGH play.
► Mr.Niceguy
Personal character has an ability to always keep the team morale up at the highest level. His calm teamplayish style, adds an important part to the team.
► ripper
Only 18 years old, and maybe the most influential German Counter-Strike player there has been. With extreme aim and clutch smartness, this kid is a dream for any team.
► s1mple
With his tactical knowledge he's the one who's calling the shots. With his calmness ingame he is very stable and able to do awesome stuff on his own. As a player and a person he is unique for this team.
© by s1mple |