Snackstars   id:  7886461
Name Snackstars
Shorthandle SN
Registered since 12/08/13
Headquarters  Switzerland
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Latest matches
  HaxBall 3on3 Summer League 2013 Qualifying #3
loss   DORITOS??? SAAAABES!!!!  0 Monday, 12/08/13 15:00 1
wins   dueLLum eSports Haxball Club  + 2 Monday, 12/08/13 14:30 4
wins   Blue White Dragons  + 2 Monday, 12/08/13 14:00 1
Snackstars is a haxball team which was founded by Barca (WillYouReallyBeatMe?) and cifteli. At the moment we are participating in hax sports, hax league and 3o3 CL.

Our first Promo ->