No Fucking ID  CSS  id:  789044
Name No Fucking ID
Shorthandle noFid
Registered since 30/04/04
IRC #noFid  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Portugal
IRC #noFid  (QuakeNet)
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Those who defy will fall, those who deny will see the light or see stars, those who try to destroy will be destroyed themselves, those who demean will be dragged naked through the streets and beaten, those who try to dictate will be dealt with, and those who desecrate will be made an example of. The Monstrosity that is the sad shadow-self of society cannot be allowed to ferment and stagnate any longer. It's safe to say "divine" intervention is about a "tooth fairy/santa claus" away from happening, and those who sit on their fat asses waiting for that to happen are sloth, non-vertebrae, quivering, ignorant parts of the problem in the first place.

The seed is listening.
The seed is seething.
The seed is waiting.

And the seed is going to rip out the jugular and bleed the bloated disenchanted establishment.
Feed the seed.

by "Slipknot"