Just Do It 3on3 squad   id:  798083
Name Just Do It 3on3 squad
Shorthandle JuDo|
Registered since 09/05/04
Homepage http://www.judoclan.tk
IRC judo.cs  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Hungary
IRC judo.cs  (QuakeNet)
Join team
We are open for every challenge, but before you challenge us, please contact us in irc:
#judo.cs @ Q-net

Please note that now we only play in the following ladder(s) of the Electronic Sports League :
• Germany : Counter-Strike 3on3 MR12 Ladder

Please understand that we can't play each day and each hour of a day.

• Our default metchtimes are:
19:00 - 22:00 starting time on all days

You also can challenge us for some other time, but thoose challenges are not likely to be accepted!
And we prefere to be contacted on IRC first, so don't challenge us without previous agreement on IRC.

We play all matches on german server:

• VAC or CD & Soundcheck prefered!

• Screenshots are obligatory! 4 screenshots per match must be uploaded within 24 hours after the game!

• Demos are also absolutely obligatory and must be handed in whenever an admin requests to see them! (4 demos per match, must be kept available for 14 days)

• So demos are required! After the match you may get some demos if you want to, but not all. All demos can be uploaded as well, but only on admin request!

• Play fair, don't flame!
• GL & HF to you all