Golden Squad RD-Support  Golden Squad RD-S  id:  8065922
Name Golden Squad RD-Support
Shorthandle GS_RD-S
Registered since 19/11/13
Headquarters  Poland
Area/Region Gdynia
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Golden Squad RD-Support
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Latest matches
  World of Tanks 3on3 ESL Series
loss   DBB_algeria  -20 Sunday, 24/11/13 15:30
wins   Gramy na czas 3on3  + 25 Sunday, 24/11/13 13:30 1
wins   Dywizja Pancerna  + 25 Thursday, 21/11/13 14:30
wins   Dacia Nemuritoare 3 vs 3  + 25 Wednesday, 20/11/13 14:30
  World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #74
loss   Alfa Squad  0 Saturday, 23/11/13 11:00 2