The Gathering   id:  809008
Name The Gathering
Shorthandle TG
Registered since 20/05/04
Homepage http://www.thegatheringclan.or..
IRC #the_gathering  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  European Union
IRC #the_gathering  (QuakeNet)
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TG was established in January 2003, and we have always been well-known and well-respected in the games we play. We hold high standards and recruit only friendly and mature members, expecting everyone to keep to our zero tollerance policies on racism and sexism.

We have clan leaders of course, but we encourage all members to contribute where they can, and take on any responsibility they want to. While we mainly concentrate on having fun in-game, as surely thats the point of gaming, we also strive to be amongst the best and take part in various leagues and scrims. An example of our success was when we topped the Clanbase JK2 ladder over the summer of 2003. We draw the line though and avoid the arrogance that some other clans have. We are not like them.