P0wned  Powned  id:  8096298
Name P0wned
Shorthandle PWN
Registered since 06/12/13
Headquarters  Poland
Six milion way to die chose one
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Latest matches
  League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 5on5 #211 (14.12.13) - Wygraj 800PLN!
loss   Gunwa  0 Saturday, 14/12/13 11:10
wins   Snowball Gaming  + 2 Saturday, 14/12/13 10:00
  League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 5on5 #209 (7.12.13) - Wygraj 800PLN!
loss   Sou you Makabra  0 Saturday, 07/12/13 10:00