pbts -3on3- Codename -ZeroZone-   id:  817736
Name pbts -3on3- Codename -ZeroZone-
Shorthandle pbts.de>>
Registered since 27/05/04
Homepage http://www.pbts-multigaming.de
IRC #pbts  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of pbts -ESL- HeadTeam
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #pbts  (QuakeNet)
Join team
«×» about clan...
¬ name: Peace Before The Storm
¬ since: Feb. 2002
¬ clantag: pbts.de>>
¬ webpage: pbts.de
¬ clangames: Call of Duty,United Offensive, BattleField Vietnam, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source - more soon...

«×» inGame...
¬ flame/ing: no
¬ camp/ing: no
¬ cheat/ing: no
¬ server: yes
¬ fun: yes

«×» more...
¬ challenge: contact pbts.de>>-Hill- (WarOrga)
¬ winner: upload; Screenshots - Demos (nach Anfrage)
¬ looser: Nur Verhalten des Gegners bewerten.
¬ other: Wir sind immer bereit für PCWs, FWs oder CWs.

«×» visit...

«×» sponsors
coming soon...

«×» last words...

good luck have fun