The Invicible N00BS! 7x7  T-I-N  id:  8198467
Name The Invicible N00BS! 7x7
Shorthandle n00b
Registered since 29/01/14
Headquarters  Poland
Noob (writing in leet speak: n00b) - slang term used in computer and Internet users, and computer players (especially multiplayer). This means a person representing each negative traits or behaved improperly in the meaning of community Internet or computer players :).

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Latest matches League Europe Bronze Series
loss   DT-FR  -20 Sunday, 09/02/14 14:00 4
loss   RO_LD2  -25 Wednesday, 05/02/14 15:00 3
wins   YREN  + 25 Monday, 03/02/14 15:00 2
  World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 149
loss   Armored Hussars  0 Sunday, 09/02/14 09:00 3
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 09/02/14 08:20
  World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 148
loss   The Homicidal Maniacs  0 Sunday, 02/02/14 08:10 2