w4wooden4ce eXXtr3me 1337   id:  836413
Name w4wooden4ce eXXtr3me 1337
Shorthandle w4:XX 1337
Registered since 13/06/04
Homepage http://www.w4wooden4ce.at
IRC w4wooden4ce  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of w4wooden4ce JaGas
Headquarters  Austria
IRC w4wooden4ce  (QuakeNet)
Join team
This is an Austrian clan from "woodquarter" in lowaustria! Make the wars begin!!

pls contact us for playing:
[W4]Waku icq: 60710236
[W4]eXeCut3r icq: 157000915

we are not able to play cs on friday and saturday evening!!
Time for wars: 19.30 - 23.00

-no flame
-no cheat
-leaving before end of the game is forbidden
-winning team will post the scores at the ESL hp
-winning team will upload screens and demos

g00d luck & haFe PHUN