Discipline Gaming  LoL  id:  8370281
Name Discipline Gaming
Shorthandle DCG
Registered since 27/04/14
Headquarters  South Korea
Area/Region Seoul
We are newcomers and have fun in Gaming . We train everyday to be a better clan . We have TS3 , Skype or Curse Voice for LoL . We are currently just in League of Legends and in Starcraft II activ . Other games are incoming like Counter Strike Source or Global Offensive , or for exmaple Hearth-Stone . We are also looking for new Members in LoL , hope for new recruitment . Homepage is incoming .
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Latest matches
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #194 (Sun 18.05.14)
loss   Cataclysm Armagedon  0 Sunday, 18/05/14 08:00 3
  League of Legends EU West 5on5 Old Ladder
loss   Deviantsports Ac  -25 Sunday, 04/05/14 14:00