Northern Lions  BF4  id:  8426923
Name Northern Lions
Shorthandle nLions
Registered since 25/05/14
Headquarters  Germany
Krausii  and  RHYMiN
Join team
Latest matches
  Battlefield 4 5on5 ESL One Summer 2014 Seasonal Cup #2
loss   eSuba.INTEL BF  0 Tuesday, 17/06/14 13:00
  BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Squad Obliteration Europe
wins   OFFLINE MOD BF4  + 25 Sunday, 15/06/14 15:30 1
loss   Gaming Crew Germany  -20 Monday, 09/06/14 14:00 2
wins   Team UNIQUE iMP4CT  + 25 Sunday, 01/06/14 15:30 4
loss   Manguste AtilaX  -20 Sunday, 01/06/14 14:00 5
wins   Savages .BF4  + 25 Sunday, 25/05/14 15:30 2
  BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Domination Germany
loss   MhSV eSports - BF4  -25 Thursday, 12/06/14 14:00
  Battlefield 4 5on5 ESL One Summer 2014 Seasonal Cup #1
loss   Iconic eSport DK  0 Tuesday, 10/06/14 13:00 3
  Battlefield 4 Go4BF4 Cup #21 - 01/06/14
loss   inSu  0 Sunday, 01/06/14 10:00 2
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 01/06/14 09:00


Northern Lions is an evolving e-Sports project formed in 2013 driven by passion of experienced individuals within the gaming industry.

Email [email protected]


Simon 'rhythm' Kramer (Team-Captain)
Maik 'kiaM' Stöhrmann
Martin 'Krausii' Krauß
Paul 'RHYMiN' Sorge
Lars 'w0ok1e' Schmidt

Matthias 'Mantikor' Sauer (Stand-In)
Bastian 'Basti-Z94' Z. (Stand-In)

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