inTrance Gaming   id:  887871
Name inTrance Gaming
Shorthandle #inTrance
Registered since 03/08/04
IRC #inTrance  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Poland
IRC #inTrance  (QuakeNet)
Join team
==================== ○ inTrance Gamiing ○ ====================

¬ Hello. We are the Polish clan #inTrance Gaming. We have a good server and are ready to play. Fell free to challenge us, but behave well at the match cuz we like playing in a good athmopshere.


¬ Before challenging us please contact ITG`r0dh0s or ITG`jjaaah on #inTrance @ qnet to arrange a date.


¬ We want fair game, and prefer to record demos , and it would be nice when our opponent would record them too :)

The Squad's Steam ID's:

#inTrance-gaming ` heliXious | jjaaah ¬ ( 0:1:845269 )
#inTrance-gaming ` heliXious | r0dh0s ¬ ( 0:0:392789 )
#inTrance-gaming ` heliXious | xeqta ¬ ( 0:0:1409737 )
#inTrance-gaming ` heliXious | kknd ¬ ( x:x:xxxxxxx )
#inTrance-gaming ` heliXious | daw1d ¬ ( x:x:xxxxxx )

#inTrance-gaming ` heliXious | psych1caL ¬ ( 0:1:512782 )
