InSighT Gaming   id:  8938605
Name InSighT Gaming
Shorthandle PS4
Registered since 23/02/15
Homepage http://battlelog.battlefield.c..
Headquarters  United Kingdom
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Latest matches
  BF4 (PS4) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #3 Europe
loss   Ride l or l Collide  0 Sunday, 16/08/15 12:00
wins   DoubleXP eSports Team  + 2 Sunday, 16/08/15 11:00
  BF Hardline (PS4) PlayStation Plus Cup Europe
loss   Hoax eSports  0 Wednesday, 08/07/15 14:00
wins   Ap3x Gaming  + 2 Sunday, 05/07/15 14:00
wins   iDomina Twister  + 2 Wednesday, 01/07/15 14:00
wins   HIV positive  + 2 Sunday, 28/06/15 14:00
wins   Seal team six_nl  + 2 Wednesday, 24/06/15 14:00 1
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 21/06/15 14:00
InSighT Gaming || Since 2014

InSighT is proud to announce their official roster for 2015-2016

Official Roster
InSighT SphynX
InSighT LaseR
InSighT NoVa
InSighT sR
InSighT SainT
InSighT CaLiBeR
InSighT MltcH
InSighT WolF
InSighT VorteX

BFH Achievements

#2 G4G "PROTECT & SERVE' 28-06-2015
#1 G4G "THE SOUND OF DA POLICE ON 27-06-2015
#1 G4G "THE SOUND OF DA POLICE' on 20-06-2015
#1 G4G "CAMP D'ENTRAÎNEMENT' on 19-06-2015
#1 G4G "Ça Passe ou' on 18-06-2015
#2 G4G "We are the law" 1.6k tournament on 17-05-2015
#1 G4G "The Sound Of Da Police' on 18-04-2015
#2 G4G "CAMP D'ENTRAINEMENT' on 17-04-2015
#1 G4G "CAMP D'ENTRAÎNEMENT' on 15-04-2015
#1 G4G "Gendarmes Et Voleurs' on 14-04-2015

BF4 Achievements

#2 ESB Squad Obliteration phase 3 on 14-03-2015
#1 ESB Glory Series season 2 on 2-2-2015
#1 ESB league season 2 on 21-12-2014
#1 G4G "Back to BF4' Tournament 2 on 21-12-2014
#1 ESB Winter Championship on 14-12-2014
#1 G4G "Back to BF4' Tournament on 16-11-2014
#1 G4G OneDayCup on 29-10-2014
#3 G4G OneDayCup on 22-10-2014