Members of Bibelbrueder V1.0
ﯽ Bibelbrueder
Painkilla ¤ 0:0:1635962
RedDragon ¤ 0:0:4194217
ﯽ Regeln
¤ Forderung nur nach Absprache im IRC
-> Contact Painkilla
¤ Wir bitten euch, nur unser Verhalten zu bewerten und nicht ggf. das Ergebnis.
¤ Demos und Screens sind bei jedem War Pflicht!
ﯽ English Description
You want to challenge us? Please make sure that we are online in #sultans-of-pulse and ask us there!
Each Player has to record Demos !
Each team must take all Screenshots as well as the Status Screenshot.
No Flaming.
Please confirm Matches immediately.
Pls judge us about our behavior and not about the result of the Match.
We are just a Fun Team !! Pls make sure that we are able to play on time ! |