║BronzeEYE# Esports has expanded to CS:GO @ the 23th of February 2015.
║Clan Leader of the CS:GO Devision is Sushikiller.
║Clan Leader of main BronzeEYE is Aeronium.
║Team Leader of the CS:GO Main Team is WirelessBrain.
║ ♫ CS:GO Roster ♫
║♦ Joshua "Sushikiller" Pierlo - Main AWP
║♦ Alessio "WirelessBrain" Florio - IGL
║♦ Adam "Force" Marrs - Support
║♦ Mikkel "Tamalian" Knudsen - EntryFragger
║♦ Jordyn "Foxy" - Support AWP
║► Checkout our Website[www.BronzeEye.net] !
║► Checkout our Youtube !
║ ♫ Rules ♫
║♣ Teamspeak 3 is a Must.
║♣ Push to Talk in TS3 is a Must.
║♣ No hacks.
║♣ Try controlling your rage.
║♣ No chatting ingame (muting enemies is your call, but no talking other than gl hf & gg wp
║ ♫ Training ♫
║ ♦ Tuesday 20:00 CET
║ ♦ Friday 20:00 CET
║ ♦ Sunday 20:00 CET
║ ♦ Training is currently for our main team only.
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