F8AL  FataL  id:  8961704
Name F8AL
Shorthandle FTL
Registered since 07/03/15
Headquarters  United Kingdom
we are the f8al ladz woop woop
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  Go4CoD:AW (PS4) Europe Cup #4 by Scuf Gaming
wins   uX Gaming  + 2 Sunday, 08/03/15 14:00
wins   Rise of the Avengers  + 2 Sunday, 08/03/15 13:00
wins   Purge eSports  + 2 Sunday, 08/03/15 12:00
wins   Unsurpassed eSports  + 2 Sunday, 08/03/15 11:00
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 08/03/15 10:00