MaktEliten   id:  9034133
Name MaktEliten
Shorthandle MaktEliten
Registered since 09/04/15
Headquarters  Sweden
MaktEliten is a hardcore, superintense, and loveable team. The players are some of the best up and cumming in the world of CS:GO.
Make sure tho stay tuned for insane headshots, clutches and alot of aces.
GLHF and for your sake,
hope we dont see you around.
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
loss   mal eben drüberfahren  -22 Thursday, 14/05/15 17:28 1
loss   DOBRAMOC  -11 Tuesday, 12/05/15 13:39
wins   treeHUG  + 25 Thursday, 07/05/15 16:29 3
loss   geile tüpen  -3 Tuesday, 05/05/15 15:59 2
loss   eVeline  -24 Monday, 04/05/15 14:51 5
loss   Elite Kappucino  -29 Sunday, 03/05/15 15:41 8