riZe Gaming LTD   id:  919419
Name riZe Gaming LTD
Shorthandle riZe
Registered since 03/09/04
Homepage http://www.rize-gaming.net
IRC #riZe  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
Honorary member
IRC #riZe  (QuakeNet)
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+ Achievements +

#3 Clanbase Eurocup XIII
#5 Clanbase Eurocup XII
#1 Warleagues Season II
#2 ingame. Deutsche Meisterschaft 2005
#1 ESL 6on6 Winter Premiership 2006
#1 ESL 3on3 Spring Cup 2006
#2 ESL 5on5 Test Cup
#1 ET-Cup VI
#1 GET-Cup II
#2 GET-Cup V
#3 GET-Cup IV
#1 Xfire King of the Hill (21.06.2006 - x)