eLuTioN 2on2 NR1   id:  925487
Name eLuTioN 2on2 NR1
Shorthandle eLu
Registered since 09/09/04
Homepage http://www.Elution-Gaming.com
IRC #elution  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of Elution-Gaming
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #elution  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Bitte erst Kontakt über IRC oder ICQ aufnehmen ! Wir sind gewohnt , auf unserem Server zu spielen !

Please contact us first via IRC or ICQ
first ! We´re used to play on our own server !

eLuTioN-GaMinG since '04 eLuTioN-GaMinG

► Aktiv in Games:

₪ Counterstrike
₪ Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
₪ Fifa Soccer 2005
₪ Need for Speed: Underground
₪ Warcraft III
₪ Unreal Tournament
₪ Dawn of War
₪ Return to Castle Wolfenstein
₪ Call of Duty
eLuTioN-GaMinG since '04 eLuTioN-GaMinG

► Suchen Squads in:
► Searches Squads in:
₪ Doom III
₪ Battlefield
₪ u.v.m.
► suchen noch Members für UT2004
► search still Members for UT2004

Du hast Interesse? Einfach bei einem Leader oder Orga melden...

You have interest? Simply to a Leader or a Orga announce...
eLuTioN-GaMinG since '04 eLuTioN-GaMinG

► Server IP`s:

► Counterstrike:

► Enemy Territory:

► Unreal Tournament:

► Call of Duty:

eLuTioN-GaMinG since '04 eLuTioN-GaMinG

► Sponsoren & Partner:
₪ Dynamic-Net
₪ concept Together
₪ F&E Webhosting
₪ Speedshells
₪ Earthquake-Radio
₪ Professional-Gamer.de

eLuTioN-GaMinG since '04 eLuTioN-GaMinG