Imagine Paygones   id:  9289293
Name Imagine Paygones
Shorthandle ImpyG
Registered since 03/08/15
Headquarters  Poland
Amateur team in CS:GO from Poland which wants to prove someting on the e-sport scene.
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Latest matches
  CS:GO 5on5 Puchar Polski Cybersport Qualifier #3 Poland
loss   Gdansk Ekipa  0 Friday, 10/02/17 13:00
wins   (bye)  Friday, 10/02/17 12:00
  CS:GO 5on5 Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 11 Turniej #5
loss   Best Hunters  0 Tuesday, 25/08/15 13:40
  CS:GO 5on5 Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 11 Turniej #1
loss   iNET koxXx  0 Tuesday, 04/08/15 14:00 1
wins   (bye)  Tuesday, 04/08/15 13:00