ApenTic eSports  1.Team  id:  9423001
Name ApenTic eSports
Shorthandle ApenTic
Registered since 17/09/15
Homepage http://apenticesports.clansweb..
Headquarters  Germany
ApenTic eSports is a german professional Team! We play the games SC2, CSGO and Heroes of the Storm. Our Twitch Channels are Nyancattv_csgo(sc2,fungames,heroes). In the year 2016 we will start with a clan in the games Overwatch and Call of Duty Black Ops 3
MiNatO  and  TheTime
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Latest matches
  Go4CS:GO Europe Cup #205
loss   Q_q  0 Sunday, 26/06/16 08:00
  CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
loss   pony  -24 Friday, 29/04/16 15:33