Hasu Players   id:  9444966
Name Hasu Players
Shorthandle Hasu
Registered since 24/09/15
Headquarters  Russia
One of the largest CIS clans devoted to Starcraft 2.
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Latest matches
  SC2 Open Ladder Clanwar All-Kill Europe
loss   aNgels WingS  -32 Sunday, 18/10/15 13:00
loss   Enclave Team  -27 Monday, 12/10/15 13:00
loss   aNgels WingS  -40 Sunday, 04/10/15 13:00
wins   team pheeniX Starcraft 2  + 11 Friday, 02/10/15 12:40
wins   The Best Ever Team  + 8 Thursday, 01/10/15 12:00