Sons of Valour PowerRangers   id:  9481806
Name Sons of Valour PowerRangers
Shorthandle SoV:Ranger
Registered since 12/10/15
Headquarters  Australia
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Latest matches
  ESL One BF4 Winter 2015 Cup Oceania
wins   DOLLA DOLLA BILLZ  + 2 Sunday, 29/11/15 21:30
loss   RIP-Jiker  0 Saturday, 17/10/15 01:30
  ESL One BF4 Winter 2015 Playoffs Oceania
loss   RIP-Jiker  0 Sunday, 15/11/15 01:30
wins   Event Horizon  + 2 Saturday, 14/11/15 03:00
loss   RIP-Jiker  0 Saturday, 14/11/15 01:00
  ESL One BF4 Winter 2015 Groupstage Oceania
wins   Event Horizon  + 2 Wednesday, 11/11/15 03:30
loss   RIP-Jiker  0 Tuesday, 10/11/15 03:30
wins   DOLLA DOLLA BILLZ  + 2 Monday, 09/11/15 03:30
loss   RIP-Jiker  0 Wednesday, 04/11/15 04:30
wins   Evilfun  + 2 Monday, 26/10/15 06:45
Sons of Valour is a community gaming group that is committed to providing a fun and friendly environment in which all people can socialize and enjoy themselves in a fantastic atmosphere. The core idea behind SoV is the respect and honour that we have for each other. Whether we be black, white, young or old, we all share a common interest: gaming. We support this interest by having our own servers dedicated to the Battlefield franchise, which provides our members and the general public excellent servers where they can compete with and against each other. Our members are not exclusively dedicated to one game but are also active participants in a number of other games, styles and platforms.

Recruiting is done through our clan website:

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