Team BadAdvice   id:  9614632
Name Team BadAdvice
Shorthandle .TBA'
Registered since 03/12/15
Headquarters  Germany
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Latest matches
  Go4S.K.I.L.L. Europe Cup #97
loss   Omen.Team  0 Sunday, 06/12/15 09:00 5
loss   Omen.Team  0 Sunday, 06/12/15 09:00 3
.TBA' was founded on 24.10.2015 in Germany(NRW). We are a german S.K.I.L.L - Secial Force eSports team . The founder .aesthii' (Luca) and VeEK (Chris) who played together in an eSports team but unfortunately had this team no future because it has a bad reputation. Luca and Chris build a team that's on the contrar the experience they have made it coined.

Rooster of .TBA'
Chris D. (VeEK) German/France
Luca K. (Aesthii) German
Selcuk S. (ZizZa) German/Türk
Merlin R. (toxxic) German
Till B. (kLm) German